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Safety science

Journal Volume: 140
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2021
Articles in SafetyLit: 25

Are we learning from disasters? Examining investigation reports from National government bodies

Assessing the common occupational health hazards and their health risks among oil and gas workers

Battery hazards and safety: a scoping review for lead acid and silver-zinc batteries

Braking bad - ergonomic design and implications for the safe use of shared E-scooters

Determining hazard management changes in workplaces following workplace safety inspections by WorkSafeBC in British Columbia, Canada

Do hazardous manual handling task risk assessment methods align with systems thinking?

Emergency evacuation simulation of a floating LNG bunkering terminal considering the interaction between evacuees and CFD data

Emotional contagion as a trigger for moral disengagement: their effects on workplace injuries

Evaluating OSHA's fatality and catastrophe investigation summaries: arc flash focus

Human functions in safety - developing a framework of goals, human functions and safety relevant activities for railway socio-technical systems

Improving accident analysis in construction - development of a contributing factor classification framework and evaluation of its validity and reliability

Measuring performance within the ageing workforce

Metainjury: meta-learning framework for reusing the risk knowledge of different construction accidents

Novel methodology for developing a safety standard based on clustering of experts' assessments of safety requirements

Predicting wildfire burns from big geodata using deep learning

Prevention, precaution and resilience: are they worth the cost?

Quantification of the movement characteristics for the elderly assisted by the young through exit

Risk-based decision-making support model for offshore dynamic positioning operations

Road surface conditions forecasting in rainy weather using artificial neural networks

Sleep disorders and risk of traffic crashes: a naturalistic driving study analysis

The impact of human factors on pilots' safety behavior in offshore aviation companies: a Brazilian case

The psychological health and well-being of children working in the brick industry: a comparative study

The sounds of safety silence: interventions and temporal patterns unmute unique safety voice content in speech

Why do people make risky decisions during a fire evacuation? Study on the effect of smoke level, individual risk preference, and neighbor behavior

Work-related safety incidents among driver license examiners